A Gamer Looks At 40
An exploration of the history of video games told through the stories of the every day people who lived it. Join me along with a rotating cast of friends, family, gaming journalists, and industry types as we share personal recollections from the last thirty years of gaming, one story at a time.
A Gamer Looks At 40
Ep 117: Side Quests Vol 9
As I conduct hours upon hours in interviews for this show, occasionally a few clips get left by the wayside. Either they don't fit into a main episode or they're so random, there's simply no place for them to live. Enter Side Quests, an ongoing series where I take all those discarded comments and clumsily mush them together into a weird, wild episode. Enjoy!
STARRING (all handles from Twitter)
Carson Clark (@DesireeKorrupt)
James and JJ of RetroFits on YouTube (@FitsRetro)
Josh of Still Loading Podcast (@StillLoadingPod)
Julian Titus (@julian_titus) of The Stage Select Podcast (@StageSelectPod)
Kyle of the The RPG Podcast (@TheRPGPodcast)
Matt and Geoff of the "Fun" & Games Podcast (@funandgamespod)
Mike Albertin of Games My Mom Found Podcast (@mom_found)
Moses aka @thewellredmage of the-pixels.com and Gamelogica on YouTube
Nate McLellan (@natedoescomedy79 on TikTok)
Trevor and Jeff of New Dad Gaming Podcast (@NewDadGaming)
Wade aka (@ProfNoctis)
My Website: agamerlooksat40.com
My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/SdaE4atGjC
My Twitter: @agamerlooksat40
My TikTok: @agamerlooksat40
My Facebook: facebook.com/agamerlooksat40
My Insta: @agamerlooksat40
My Patreon: patreon.com/agamerlooksat40
My Email: agamerlooksat40@gmail.com
My Phone Number: Ehhhhh, not gonna happen. :-D